Brook & Breeze
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 レビュー数の合計
Earth はユニークな自転車です。1950 年代のイギリスとフランスの「ポーター」自転車をベースにしたこの自転車は、あなたのライフスタイルを充実させるように設計されています。標準装備の超幅広で軽量なフロント カーゴ、どんな状況でも自転車を直立させるキックスタンド、安心して乗れるように低くしたボトム ブラケットを備えた Earth は、あなたとあなたの荷物を動かし続けます。デジタル クラウドにますます巻き込まれる時代において、Earth はあなたを現実世界で動かします。


Earth 24" は、Thule のクラス最高の子供用シートにフィットするように設計されています。チェーンステーが長くなっているため、かかとがぶつかることはありません。フロントシートの足元には十分なスペースがあります。Thule の優れた性能はわかっているので、Thule を基準に設計しました。


Brook & Breeze の自転車は、世界中 (ほぼ) どこにでも発送できます。自転車は、受け取り時に部分的に組み立てる必要があります。
当社の自転車は 75% 組み立てられた状態で出荷されます。配達時には、次の作業が必要となります。
- タイヤに空気を入れます。
- ハンドルバーをステムに取り付けます。
- 前輪と後輪をフレームに固定します。
- ペダルを取り付けます。
自転車とライダーはそれぞれ異なるということを当社は理解しています。自転車を受け取ってから 30 日以内であれば返品を受け付けます。返送にかかる送料と 15% の返品手数料が返金額から差し引かれますのでご了承ください。

this bike is awesome! i spent a long time looking for a bike that could carry things more easily without getting a huge cargo bike. this was cheaper, smaller, and much better looking than the cargo bikes i was considering. it doesn't have the same carrying capacity, but i don't really need something that big.
also really appreciate the personal help from customer service. made sure the bike was ready to ride as soon as i received it, and it was cool to hear from them directly. highly recommend.
I like to cycle to the library, coffee shops, and a particular grocery store in my hometown business district. I did not do that often because I am too used to driving there. Cycling takes the same amount of time as driving. I can save time by not looking for or paying for limited street parking.
Cycling to the business district is enjoyable, but the trip home is not. There are small hills I must cycle up, which is tiring. I have to get off and walk the bike up in the middle of some hills. After I walk to the top, I have to get back on it. Getting on and off is inconvenient, embarrassing, and not enjoyable. The reason why I often drive instead of riding my bike.
I bought my Earth and did my inaugural run the other day. It gave me such a smooth ride. The hydraulic brake is very responsive going downhill amid cars following me, which makes me feel more confident as a rider. I pedaled comfortably, going uphill with less effort, easy gear shifting, and no need to get off. My Earth also steered well with the front basket of books and groceries. I am riding my Earth to the dentist tomorrow and plan to make many trips instead of driving.
It was tricky deciding to buy a bike online but the detailed description was right on target. The bike rides like a dream, smooth and fast. I was looking at these bikes because I like the large basket and the stability of the kickstand. I'm no bike expert, just a regular rider to get from place to place, but I feel like the components of this bike are more high end than the typical bike from Target or Walmart but without the crazy high prices of specialty bike shops. It has a rich feel of luxury riding down the road and manages the occasional bumps with ease.
I opted for the basket that is deep enough for 2 bags of groceries or a large backpack so no more hauling things on my back while riding . The basket doesn't move with the handlebars when turning which is a little disorienting at first, but it makes the basket more stable for carrying things that need a flat surface. I know people who carry their pets in it and they LOVE being able to take Rover places in a safe, fun way.
Overall, I haven't ever had such a nice bike. It will definitely motivate me to increase my commuting and daily use of the bike for transportation.